Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thing #11

I set up a Library Thing account and added 31 books from my favorite author Clive Cussler and the 3 books in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I found that 700+ have listed Cussler and over 4,000 listed Twilight! I posted in the conversation on Twilight, added a Library Thing widget to my blog with 10 books and covers, added a "chiclet" to my catalog, and learned to delete books from my list. I would like to use this to help in cataloging books in my library, but I could only access details when I added books to my list and then had to delete them. Is there a better way? Details is good for getting a call number and subjects, especially if searching Library of Congress. I did not find summaries except in description and these were from Amazon…where I go sometimes anyway. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

VWB said...

If you are interested in using the "official" summaries, etc. for cataloging library books...use the free World Cat...searches libraries all over and gives you LOC information...subject headings, summaries and with another step or two call #s
also the TSLAC Library of Texas has some free services