Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thing #4 -- Library 2 Play 2

I've looked at YouTube forever, but did not realize how unbelievably easy it is to upload your own videos with basically the same format for TeacherTube. I especially like that you can upload support material with TeacherTube. The tutorial videos were excellent.

I practiced with a video I already had in my file made with my digital camera which has an .mpg extension. The hardest part is the long wait for it to upload. It was easy to embed here in the blog.

Dutch Oven Cooking

I also tried uploading a PhotoStory 3 file with a .wmv extension. Also easy and the music and voice over came through great. It is true that the photos lose their quality the more they are copied. The originals were extremely sharp, then they went into PhotoStory, then into YouTube.

Visiting Rome

I see a great advantage in uploading teaching/learning videos that can be used in the classroom! Sharing video resources shares the load of creation. Why reinvent the wheel when it is already out there and ready to use. By sharing videos, teachers do not have to create one for every lesson and therefore are more inclined to use them. "I don't have time to do this" is what I hear from my teachers who aren't real tech savvy. If they are available they will probably use them...and when they see how easy it is...then maybe they will create one.

My students would love sharing their work online. Motivation is one of our biggest problems in getting students to produce quality work. If they see it can really be published online perhaps they'll take a few more steps to develop something worthy of publishing.

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